I was at my Aunt's house today and she yelled at me for not putting more information about my photos, like settings and how I took them etc. Well for starters, I use a Nikon D80 camera. And as for settings, for the most part I had it set on Aperture Priority the whole trip. As for how I've taken them, well, I don't really know how to answer that but I'll elaborate on that for my photos in the future. I edit all of my photos with Photoshop CS4. I sometimes use different actions and filters to make them black and white or sepia or anything to make them unique.
Now as for photos like this, :
I used a fisheye lens. The one I have just attaches to my 18-135 mm lens.
I can't really think of anything else to talk about right at this moment, but for future posts I will be sure to provide details about my photographs. Happy, Aunt Theresa? :)