Monday, May 16, 2011

Framed Scrapbooks.

So I was at Michael's the other day and saw "Framed Scrapbooks" and they all looked gorgeous. So while I was sitting around doing nothing today I thought I'd try and make my own. They're not as awesome as the ones from Michael's, but whatevs. Here's what I did:

Monday, May 9, 2011

Washington DC part 6.

The following are the remaining photos from the Museum of Natural History (taxidermy) and from the walk back to the hotel. 
The ceiling of the Museum of Natural History. 
Capitol Building.
Smithsonian Castle.
Smithsonian Castle. 
Smithsonian Castle.
This was a segway tour. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


For all iPhone, iTouch, and iPad 2 users, I highly recommend purchasing the Hipstamatic app for $1.99. It's easily the most used app I own. It comes with a few different lenses, flashes and films. But there are more you can acquire through in app purchases for $.99. I have all packs currently available and they are all amazing. I mean, you can take a picture of a shoe and it will look awesome. I've had the app since it came out and I still use it all the time. Here are a few photos I've taken with the app:

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Washington DC part 5; Butterflies.

In the Museum of Natural History, there was a room you could purchase tickets to walk through where butterflies were literally all over the place. It was pretty much awesome. But I was so sad that none landed on me :(

Monday, May 2, 2011

About the previous 2 Washington posts

The previous 2 posts are from the Museum of Natural History. I have a lot more photos to edit from there, it was my favorite museum of the trip, considering I was only in the American History Museum for about 30 minutes haha. As I'm going through and editing, I'm trying to post each set of photographs by categories, the most recent being skeletons. I hope all 3 of my followers are enjoying the photos, especially cause you're all family members hahah. :)

Washington DC part 4.

Native American skull.
Vertebral Osteophytosis, Scoliosis, and Osteoporosis spines. 
Gunshot victim.
The bullet went right through the skull.
Skull fragments.
Baby skeletons.
Giraffe skeleton.
Woodpecker skeleton.
Owl skeleton.
Frog skeletons.
Frog skeleton.
Lizard spine.