Tuesday, November 15, 2011

fall and website.

I had a little fall photo shoot with my little cousins this past Sunday. They were a tad bit uncooperative so they're coming back this weekend, haha, but for some reason I really like this photo and felt the need to share it.

Also, I have updated my website with some new(ish) photos after like, idk, a year? so go check that out here!


  1. This is a great shot. I want you to come up this week or weekend and take my christmas card photo.

  2. This is such a cute picture. You need to come up the mountains one time and take pictures up there. They would turn out so good.

  3. Aunt Jenn - I'd love to! I'll let you know when I can.
    Miranda - ya know I was thinking that too, I do need to do that.
